Yes, I’m still here

I know what you’re thinking. It’s January first and that means a little piece of sunshine has left your world. No longer can you expect to come here every day and be amused, entertained, or challenged by my daily profusion of unique, brilliant, and amazing words. Well, you would be wrong.

My year here doesn’t end until the 10th, and after that I will change the name of my blog to “Whenever I Freakin’ Want To.” I got the idea after a friend of mine and about a billion other people started a facebook group where they would post a picture for every day of the year. Awesome idea, but unfortunately–everyone else was doing it and I wasn’t interested in joining the horde. Just a little too trendy if you know what I mean. Anyway, since I like writing, I decided to give it a go. By the way, Noel–if you’re reading this: I love your pictures from this past year 😉

On a more serious note, now that it is 2010, I’m having serious issues with how to address this new decade. Twenty-ten? O’ten? Two-thousand-ten? I guess I’ll just wait to see what the mass media calls it and go with the flow. Don’t judge–you’ll do the same thing.

One last thing I’m wondering about:
